Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Are you on the hunt for a good ad film production house in Mumbai?

Ad film production houses: They conceptualize, visualize, develop and film ad films for broadcast. The process begins with the development of a specific concept. Next, the script is made. Once the script is finalized, the production enters the pre-production phase. In the pre-production phase, actors and crew are signed on, locations are found and sets are built. Proper shooting permits are then acquired and the cast and crew are finalized. Then, the filming begins.  Secured locations, or public access locations with secured sets or just secured sets in a studio are generally used. After filming, the post-production process begins. Many good ad film production houses also have a post-production set up. Otherwise, post production is handled by a separate post-production company. Post production involves editing, music score, visual effects, re-recording of the dialogue or dubbing and recording of voice-overs, mixing of sound effects with dialogue and music.

While choosing an ad film production house, you should keep two things in mind: Portfolio and Marketing. It is important to go through the company’s portfolio to see what sort of clients they have. It gives you an idea of their capabilities and creative sensibilities. It is important to see the work they have done with each client. If that type of work is in keeping with the requirements of your brand, it makes sense to go with them. They will most probably be best able to understand your creative requirements and be able to fulfill them. See if their past strategies at least somewhat line up with your present day needs. Seeing how well they have understood the brand of their clients helps a lot. A consistent communication that is cohesive and coherent is extremely important for brand recognition. The whole point of creating an ad film is to get greater brand recognition. A portfolio helps you see if their body of work provides the target audience with an emotional connect to the brand. An ad film without emotions is pointless, so be very particular while choosing the right agency to represent your brand.

Just producing the ad film isn’t enough. It is important to effectively market it as well. A 360 degree ad agency helps clients market their videos post production. It often makes sense for involving the services of a 360 degree agency so that your marketing begins at the post-production phase. If your brand requires a certain amount of exposure on select platforms, the agency is the best way to secure it. Whether it is TV or Social media, whichever platform you wish to display your ads on, they’re best handled by an agency. Very often, you may find an agency that meets your requirements as far as artistic sensibilities are concerned but they may not have a 360 degree solution for you and may not be able to market for you. Under such circumstances, it is best to go for an external marketing agency. However, as far as possible, employing the services of a 360 degree agency in the first place is ideal. If you are looking for best ad film production house in Mumbai, The Moon Studioz, Flying Saucer, Whacky Films, Skittles Productions and Purple Flicks are some of the famousness